
Monday, September 1, 2014


Unity in the Comm_UNITY Campaign

With just only 50, 000 Black/Indigenous People pulling resources with $0.25 that EQUALS $12,500 a month, and a total of $150, 000 a year... with just 25 cents.

With just 5,000 Black/Indigenous People practicing GROUP Economics & Self reliance with just $5 donations would equal $25,000 monthly and a total of $300,000 a year...with just $5!

List of FUNDING ideas to help provide better food,shelter and resources for our OWN Families. (Self reliance is key)

~Put all of our FOOD Stamps together to create buy in BULK programs,create more food pantrys/grocery outlets, or Community Exchange programs to help provide more business opportunities as well as fresh and healthier food for our families.

~We can start a FREECYCLE group which is a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers (them's good people). Membership is free. >>>> (

~We can start a Community Helping COOP >>>> ( is a way for members to pool their money together to be able to have us purchase fruit and vegetables at wholesale prices, having its members volunteer to unload, sort, clean up at the delivery site. 

~We can go to BBNOMICS ( a Black Crowdfunding website and utilize other indigenous online business directories such as:( help promote and advertise each other's businesses worldwide.

OUR Mission will be to Utilize these ideas/internal resources to fit our needs... 

Feel free to MESSAGE me to add more funding ideas to this list.I am very open minded so Let's CONNECT ^_^

‪#‎Solution‬ ‪#‎Politics‬ ‪#‎BlackInstitutions‬ ‪#‎BlackUnity‬ ‪#‎PanAfricanism‬‪#‎Economy‬ ‪#‎IndigenousNation‬ ‪#‎MarcusGarvey‬ ‪#‎UNIA‬ ‪#‎PersonalDevelopment‬‪#‎Legal‬ ‪#‎Law‬ ‪#‎Freedom‬ ‪#‎Separation‬ ‪#‎Liberation‬ ‪#‎Development‬‪#‎Inspiration‬ ‪#‎Resources‬ ‪#‎Business‬ ‪#‎Growth‬ ‪#‎

Future plans include: 

  1. Investments 
  2. Real-estate
  3. Information Technology 
  4. Business Services
  5. Sustainable Living and more. 

This means more opportunities to do business GLOBALLY will be offered enabling everyone to collectively contribute to building a strong black/indigenous nation.Throughout my conscious journey of connecting with my roots and culture I feel that is my destiny to dedicate my life to the building and development of a strong Indigenous nation. I believe we must make a connection with our motherland Africa/Northwest Amexem as a functional part of our lives; we must empower Africa/Northwest Amexem as the home base for the Indigenous nation to guide and protect our global interest. This FUND will be utilized so that we can all work together progressively and strive to create a self-sufficient and united Pan-African nation.Group Economics is one of MANY viable options for the future survival of Indigenous people. This position is supported by the worlds dependency on the natural resources of Indigenous peoples (which are currently being controlled by non-Africans).I strive for the opportunity to bring about a self sufficient,sustainable & self reliant communities - linking the skills,hobbies,expertise and resources of Indigenous people in the Diaspora with projects, investment opportunities and like minded brothers and sisters on the continent.

~In order for all of us to thrive and survive the war being waged against us globally, we must build a home base of power in our communities. We are at the most critical stage of our existence; its Repatriation and Pan-Africanism or we Perish.

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