
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

MORINGA OLEIFERA TREE DOCUMENTARY-CUREs and PREVENTS Malnutrition in Children,Pregnant and lactating Women.READ UP,EAT UP :)

Moringa for Pregnant and Lactating Mother

Church World Service nutrition program in West Africa based in Dakar, Senegal and under Dr. Lowell J. Fuglie, has successfully used Moringa oleifera as a base to cure and prevent malnutrition in children, pregnant and lactating women. It is reported that usage of Moringa leaves brought improvement in malnourished children in just a few days.

It is known that good nutrition before pregnancy is important because of the amount of "resources" childbirth requires. The process of pre-pregnancy nutrition is a process of "building up" the immune system in preparation of pregnancy, and is known as being one of the major factors in determining the success rate of conceiving healthy children. Moringa products have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Having a well balanced diet during pregnancy is extremely important, as the diet is going to be directly related to the health of the fetus.

Thus, Moringa supplementation is essential to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients. All the pregnant women today are more conscious about their health during gestation yet their nutritional intake becomes less as they are prone to cravings, sickness, and lack of energy, which makes preparing the right foods even harder. So the need for the extra nutrient is increasing which becomes more effective when the intake is in the form of natural supplement. Pregnant women need more iron to make more hemoglobin for all that additional blood. They also need extra iron for their growing baby and placenta.

A new born baby has only three demands and they are the warmth in the arms of the mother, food from her breast and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breast feeding satisfies all the three. Breast milk contains several anti-infective factors such as bile salt stimulated lipase, lactoferrin and immunoglobulin. Breast milk protects against microorganisms. Demonstrations prove that the IQ averaging 7 points higher if they are breastfed. Infants exclusively breastfed have less chance of developing diabetes mellitus type 1. Breastfeeding appears to reduce the risk of allergies, respiratory and intestinal infections.

The term given an herb or food that increases the flow or production of breast milk is galactogogue. Moringa act as galactogogues and increases the flow or production of breast milk. The use of Moringa by the mother would create the ultimate breast milk made even more nutritious by the vast array of vital nutrients naturally available to the mother. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods. We all know instinctively that breast milk is the ultimate food prescribed by nature for the infant child and Moringa can be instrumental in helping mothers produce more of this precious food. To put it simply, if the mother is granted better health by ingesting Moringa ,all of her healthy benefits are passed on to the baby for a future of better health. The Moringa Leaves are incomparable source of the sulphur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine, which are often in short supply.

The natural constituents of Moringa leaves and fruit pods are nature's answer to helping mothers produce copious amounts of highly nutritious milk for their infants. It's very important for the newborn to get vital nutrients such as good fats (DHA and EPA) for brain development, immune system protectors, digestible protein, the amino acids argenine and histidine plus many others as soon as possible to start the process of total body development. Moringa leaf boosts your energy in a natural manner, and is a remarkable source of nutrition. This energy promotion does not happen because of sugar, so it is lasts for a long time. Mothers who took Moringa during pregnancy have experienced being able to produce milk much quicker after delivery verses those mothers who didn't.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


MOST WHITES have calcified pineal glands apparently thwarting (preventing) their production of MELATONIN.

Why did Afrikans view the European as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the Afrikan as a soulless savage?

 Because of "melatonin," described as a mentally and morally stimulating hormone produced by the pineal gland. According to scientific research, most whites are unable produce much of this hormone because their pineal glands are often calcified and non-functioning. The pineal calcification rates with Afrikans is 5-15%; Asians ­15-25%; Europeans ­60-80%! 1 Dr. Richard Kings states "When we talk about cultural differences, some black scholars have raised the question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, rigid, anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that they lack the chemical key [melatonin] to turn on their unconscious and therefore cannot get into feelings..." Carol Barnes writes "Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner." Melanin gives humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Since whites have the least amount of Melanin, this is why they are perceived by People of Color as generally being rigid, unfeeling (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and "unspiritual." Their historical behavior towards nonwhites often confirms this.

The scientific evidence of Melanin threatens the life of white supremacy
After considering Melanin to be a "waste" product of body-metabolism which "served no useful function," Western science has now discovered that Black Melanin (neuromelanin) is the chemical key to life and the brain itself. All the studies, facts, and statistics about Melanin suggest that after four hundred years of attempting to inferiorize the Black race, "Western science is facing the sobering reality that, by its own self-defined standards, Black people are probably superior to whites in both intellectual potential and muscle coordination." 2 The central role that melanin plays in the body has been "suppressed to maintain the mythological inferiority of blacks...and the defensive clinging to whiteness as some token of superiority."

The "superiority complex" of white people
is a mask for their deepset inferiority complex
which they project onto people of color. They have an inferiority complex about their lack of color in a world where everyone else (the majority) is colored. If Albinos really believed white skin was "superior," then why is "tanning" so important in white culture despite its known health risks? (thousands of whites die annually from skin cancer). In fact, Albinos are now making Melanin tanning ointments. The Wall Street Journal (8/26/88) reported that companies are developing Melanin-based products to help whites tan safely: a California company is developing a Melanin ointment that blocks the entire spectrum of burning ultraviolet rays; researchers in Arizona are testing an ointment that stimulates the skin to produce a natural melanin tan before you go out to the sunlight. And it is the white female who tells you her ideal mate is "tall, DARK, and handsome!" "Dark" indeed refers to more Melanin!

"The white man or white species is a genetically defective species. Their MELANOCYTES, MELANOSOMES, and MAST CELLS, etc., do not contain the proper catalyst concentration, chemical reactivity and/or electrical charge needed to produce significant levels of MELANIN in various MELANIN Centers throughout their bodies. Therefore, their organs and systems which depend upon MELANIN to work effectively do not operate well and may suffer numerous disorders such as rapid aging, cancer..." 3

.1) King, AOB, 58-59. 2) Sepia Magazine interview with Dr. Richard King. 3) Barnes, 19.


Page 58

"Messed-up Melanin" is killing Black people!

.In their ongoing effort to destroy People of Color, whites (scientists, chemists) create "designer drugs" that are specially structured to chemically bind with the Melanin molecule and cause Melanin to become toxic to Blacks! The molecules of these drugs resemble the Melanin molecule. The body is thus fooled and its balance is thrown off as it relies on its messed up Melanin in order to function. Major culprits include cocaine, crack, and yes, marijuana.

Blacks get addicted faster, stay addicted longer, and suffer the worse...
from these drugs which are deliberately placed in Black communities. In his vital book, MELANIN: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness, ­essential reading for all Melanated People, Carol Barnes clearly documents this subject along with the wonders of Melanin. He shows how illegal drugs alter or change Melanin's chemical structure and thus alter many life supporting activities. Toxic drugs and chemicals are destroying the heart of Black society and causing many deaths. Barnes writes:

"MELANIN can become toxic to the BLACK HUMAN because it combines with harmful drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, psycholic, hallucinogens, neuroleptic (tranquilizers), marijuana, 'agent orange'...paraquats, tetracyclines..." 1

Toxic drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and even marijuana are very similar to Melanin and the sub-units that make up the Melanin substance. Many health-conscious Blacks consider marijuana to be a safe healthy herb, not realizing that once this (or any herb) is "cooked," it becomes a drug as far as your body is concerned!
Even legal drugs (tetracyclines, neuroleptics, etc.) have a remarkable affinity for reacting with or binding to Melanin and may be toxic to all Melanin centers in the Black human.
Other culprits which bind with Melanin and cause death for Blacks are aromatic and lipid compounds. Melanin shows extreme affinity for binding with "aromatic and lipid compounds." 2 Lipid means fat. Lipid or fat compounds (fatty acids) are animal and vegetable oil /fats used for frying and cooking. Examples are shortening and corn oil. Aromatic compounds contain benzene, a major component of gasoline.
Herbicides (paraquats, agent orange, etc.) bind irreversibly with Melanin and remain in the Black human throughout life causing many disorders. Hence Blacks especially, should buy organically grown food.
Most Blacks test positive in the urine test for marijuana! People having high levels of Melanin or a high number of pigmented centers, such as the Black human, tend to show a positive test for the use of marijuana because the chemical species found in the urine which indicates someone's use of marijuana is also found in the urine of Black humans.
Further Information
MELANIN: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness
by Carol Barnes
Jazzy Melanin by Carol Barnes
African Origin of Biological Psychiatry
by Dr. Richard King
MELANIN: A Key To Freedom by Dr. Richard King
Handbook for a Melinated, Melatonin-Friendly Lifestyle
by Dr. Patricia Newton
The Melanin Symposium (video/audio tapes)
Institute of Karmic Guidance (see Resources)


One of the biggest things I am learning about diseases is that a person's mentality plays a vital part in the fate of the person(Along with other factors). When a person gets hit with lets say Cancer, they are automatically in that state of mind....thinking they don't have long to live..Depression/Fear this can trigger a lot of imbalances within the body, which will actually cause the body to deteriorate faster. When you place a person with an illness in a peaceful and loving environment..and give them hope for survival it can do wonders for them(The placebo effect). So one of the first things to do to a person with a deadly illness is to encourage and uplift give them hope...people don't understand how positive/negative energy effects the body...

Thursday, April 11, 2013



the rose we remember...the thorns we forget..."

what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular

Age is an issue of mind over matter so if u dont mind then it doesnt matter

in order to truly be free, one must have the determination to not allow others to dictate how one thinks, speaks, feels, and believes


Instead of taking full-time classes, self-directed learners
give themselves assignments that they find interesting,
eye-opening, and challenging. They start businesses, find
internships, travel the world, read and write about things
that fascinate them, and work for organizations they admire.
Many college students do these things too, but the difference
is that self-directed learners don’t wait for anyone’s permission
to begin learning.

- Blake Boles


Finish what you start. Learn to say no. Make lists. Cry. Laugh. Be open to the possibility of speaking to every stranger. Love. Only this. Write without Internet access. Be present. Maintain the relationships that you have built with mentors, students, and friends. Don’t let money stop you. Save. Pay yourself first. Death is inevitable. Come to grips. Move on. Dwelling on the impossible has put up an invisible shield around your heart. [...] Breathe. Exercise. Take initiative. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Hug more people. Bitch when you need to and then take action. Just talking never got anything done. Drink more … water. Stop being lazy. Relearn the joy of cooking. Look everyone in the eye. Read more articles, books, plays … anything you can get your hands on. Sing more. [...] Find new meaning in the old things. Find your box. Make a decision. Go it alone. But ask for company. Cherish the wonders of sleeping. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Think before you speak. Make a new friend. Budget your money. Manage your time. You don’t know everything. Consider all points of view. It’s OK to question everything. Break rules. Continue to honor your belief in the Creator. Listen to others. Give advice when asked. Don’t pretend to have all the answers. Perfect your skills. Take a sewing class. Try anything new. Or at least consider it as a viable option. Live your life. Be your best self. Facilitate opportunities for others to become their best selves. Some things are best kept to yourself but ask for help when you need it. Greece. Ghana. Japan. Prague. Canada. Argentina. Guyana. Australia. Jamaica. Haiti. France. Germany. Go everywhere. Train yourself to be detail-oriented, not detail-obsessed. Be your own boss. Collaborate. Delegate. See more old movies. Go to art museums, galleries, exhibits, and openings. Try marriage. Try children. Grow. Take care of your body. It’s the only one you’ve got. Free yourself. Understand that not everyone can be as fabulous as you. Listen to more music. Expand your library. Use your library card. Expand your box. Dance when nobody’s watching. Dance when everyone’s watching. Don’t worry about what people think. Just be who you are. Don’t stress out. Be welcoming to everyone. Consider others feelings before you act. Get that tattoo because it’s rare that you can find something to have great power and meaning in your life. Know what you want. Go after it. Check yourself. Remain in balance. Meditate. Pray. Wake up. Pay attention. Use your imagination. Draw. Change what you don’t like about yourself. Don’t try to change what you are. It is impossible. Yes, there are millions of ways to die. Just live. Share your passions. To have them is indeed a gift. Allow your gut to guide you sometimes, not all the time. Touch soft things. See beautiful things. Smell good scents. Hear wonderful sounds. Speak loving words. Consider yourself loved. Consider yourself beautiful. Consider yourself to be meaningful to others. Serve others. Allow yourself to be served. Don’t be afraid to eat alone. Do everything that you do with grace, class, and dignity. Admit when you are wrong. Don’t go to great lengths to prove you are right it is unnecessary. Truth always comes out. Give fully of yourself. Come with immense amounts of energy. Be quiet sometimes. Don’t sit on your creativity. Let it breathe. Get excited about life. It might be the only one you have.


Sit back...relax..the past is the past..smoke some trees..and laugh..liven up need to on until your last breath..don't regret whats already the time frame of what's left...of your life...don't sell ya self short like the hand on the clock...TICK...TOCK......-b.dr3ad....TO BE CONTINUED...


Like Christ, "His son" and all the founders of world religions, God Himself has kinky, nappy hair according to the Bible, where God ­the "Ancient of days" is described as having hair "like the pure wool" (Daniel 7:9). The apocryphal Book of Enoch (46:1) states the same: "There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool..." 1 The power that causes galaxies to spiral, stars, planets and atoms to spin; that causes the double helix spiral of the DNA molecule; this same spiraling power causes spiraling hair -otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, crinkly, bushy, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair! The words, SPIN, SPIRAL, and SPIRITUAL have common roots! The Supreme Power spins; spirals; it is spiritual. It moves or spirals the universe! The entire universe ever dances in spirals and rotations; everything in it reflects the "SPIRaling, SPIRitual" essence out of which it is made! Everything is alive with Spirit, the vital principle or animating lifeforce within all living beings. In many languages, the word for Spirit, Breath, and Air are identical: Sanskrit prana, Hebrew ruach, Greek pneuma, Latin spiritus. For breath and life are One. Latin spirare means to breathe; Latin spir and Greek speira mean coil. The Spiral Principle of the Universe is what makes nappy hair nappy -or spiraling.
Nappy hair is "the hair of the gods"
spiraling hair expressing the
Spiral Principle of Creation

The "SPIRal" is the movement of Creation. The Spiral, especially the Golden Spiral, is the most profound motion in the universe. At the same time, it is the most profound design in the universe ­built into all lifeforms, from seashells to man, to spiraling nappy hair!

Your blood spirals through your veins!
Plants spiral up from the soil!
And nappy hair spirals out from the hair roots!
Witness the unique spiral or whorl on your fingertips.
Ball your hand into a fist and slowly extend each finger and you will see for yourself how the tip of each finger opens in a golden spiral path!
Observe the spiraling of ocean waves and wind, of animal horns, of spirulina ­a superfood algae that resembles nappy hair, the spiral in your ears, in flowers and throughout Nature.
Observe the spiraling of ocean waves and wind, of animal horns, of spirulina ­a superfood algae that resembles nappy hair, the spiral in your ears, in flowers and throughout Nature.
Straight-haired people also have a spiral on their heads, visible as a whorl pattern with its center in the back of the head, where their straight hair grows out slanting in the whorl's direction. Woolly haired people have both, the whorl pattern and the individually spiraling strands of helixal, coiled, spring-like, nappy hair...the choice of the gods! It's no wonder that SPIRaling hair was regarded a sign of SPIRituality and divinity, and prized as "the hair of the gods."

Spiral Galaxy
Seashell Spiral
Nappy cells
of Spirulina

Did THE MESSIAH have dredlocks?

The Prophet Jesus was a Nazarite: a vow of Nazarites (Nazarenes) was to never cut their hair but "let the locks of the hair of his head grow" (Num. 6:2, 5, Lev. 19:27; 21:5). The word Nazarite is from nazar, meaning unshorn and consecrated to God. It has nothing to do with Nazareth.1 In India, nazar means sight and internal or supernatural vision.2 The Nazarenes (also known as the Essenes) were reknown for their prophets or seers.

The firstborn child, in some Afrikan traditions, especially the daughter, is dedicated to God and their hair is never cut, but allowed to grow as locks ­especially if the child is a descendant of a healer or shaman. Such a "Child of God" is highly revered and believed to inherit healing powers bestowed by God.3 Afrikans of the Nile Valley, that is, the ancient Egyptians, often wore their nappy hair in locks, as evidenced by their sculptural reliefs. Apollo, originally a Black god adopted from Afrika by the Greeks, was the sun and Homer called him "he of the unshorn hair." 4 The Bible states "He shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow" (Num. 6:5). Samson, the most famous example of locked hair, had seven locks (Jud. 13:5, 16:17,19). Samson was the Judaic version of the Sungod called Shams-On in Arabia, Shamash in Babylon, Hercules in Greece, and Ra in Egypt. Samson's name signifies the sun. His seven locks were the sun's rays with their seven colors or vibrations. His loss of hair meant the cutting of the sun-god's rays, in the winter season when he became weak.

Medusa's "hair of snakes" were really dredlocks
She was the Afrikan serpent-goddess representing Female Wisdom and was called "the mother of all gods, whom she bore before childbirth existed." In typical treatment of maligning Afrikan tradition, European "classic myth" made Medusa into a monster; the terrible Gorgon whose look turned men to stone. The Gorgons were a trinity whose names were Medusa, Stheino, and Euryale ­­or Wisdom, Strength, and Universality. European writers pretended they were monsters, but these are not the names of monsters! Medusa was the Destroyer aspect of the Triple Goddess called Neith in Egypt and Athena in Greece. Medusa's name is derived from Egyptian Maat (Truth), which also gives us the words medicine, mathematics, and Sanskrit medha (female wisdom).



It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.
It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.


Egypt was without question the first great civilization in Africa. Surrounded by the hostile desert, Egypt arose as a populous settlement as a "gift of the Nile River," which flooded surrounding plains and thus supported game and wild plants. Straddling the strategic land crossroads between Africa, Asia, and Europe, Egypt also became a point for interchange between the Mediterranean and Red seas and the Persian Gulf. Many developments affecting the rest of Africa took place in or near the Nile Valley, such as the cultivation of plants and the development of metal smelting. Thus, Egypt's major role in forming early African civilizations has been well established. 

In modern times, scholars often underestimated the contributions of ancient Egypt to European civilization. More than two millennia ago, when the Ptolemaic Greeks came to rule Egypt, they extensively adopted and interpreted Egyptian spiritual, material, political, aesthetic, and intellectual systems. Although later Greek authorities freely acknowledged their cultural debt to Egypt, during the nineteenth century many European writers, limited by their ethnocentrism and racism, decided that black Africa could have had nothing to do with Europe's rise to greatness. Some treated Egypt as Middle Eastern and divorced it from the rest of Africa, whereas others went further, asserting the preeminence of northern Aryan sources of Greek civilization to the virtual exclusion of Semitic, African, and Egyptian influences. 

Beginning in ancient times, Egypt was a genuine crossroads of peoples and cultures, and its peoples were multiethnic and multiracial, as depicted in dynastic drawings of their rulers. They came from as far way as Asia Minor and Nubia, in the upper Nile Valley. As a prosperous, advanced society with an enviable commercial and strategic location, Egypt attracted many conquerors who would come with their booty and advance technology. In the past three millennia, for example, Egypt has been ruled by the Kushites, Libyans, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Christians, Arabs, Turks, French, and English. as a prime cradle of human development, in some sense Egypt indeed belongs to all peoples.


You woke up today with the ability to grow and learn, take advantage of that. Embrace life, since it's the present which is a gift. Be happy instead of negative, think of the solutions not the problems. You have the ability to fix a problem today...peace


If you have
Food in your fridge,
Clothes on your body
A roof over your head and A place 2 sleep
U r richer than 75% of the
If you have
money in your wallet A little change
And Can go anywhere you
U are among the top 18% of
worlds wealthy people. If you alive today with more
health than illness,
U are more blessed than the
million people
who will not survive this
week and die.
If you can actually 'READ' this
and understand it,
U are more fortunate than the
3 billion people in the world
who Cannot see
Cannot read Or suffer mental
Life is not about complaining
pain and sorrows.
It's about a thousand other
reasons to Thank our Creator!!!


"The problem is not a lack of teachers...the problem is we have a lack of listeners..."

"You can remember those lyrics..but comprehending a few pages is to tedious of a task huh?"

"The stuff that people consider "Stress Relievers"...I see that as symbolic to constantly using medication. You not really getting rid of the problem when you use medication. What you are doing is tricking the body, and just suppressing the symptoms...and this will lead to a more devastating crisis in the future. People be harming the body trying to suppress the stress and anger. You have to combat both of those with more beneficial thoughts and measures. You have to deal with this stuff man..If every time you get stressed or angry you do something because you say it temporarily kills the stress..this will just lead to a more destructive future.."

"Knowledge you find inside my mind is designed to kill the corruption and and study..elevate"

Doing the knowledge and being intelligent doesn't automatically add up to a Great MAN..Emphatically No, and nor does being a Thug make a man bad for a woman. It's all about the connection between the two, if you can find someone who will balance you out and stick with you as you through the ups and downs...and stay by your side then you have a keeper..Being Intelligent is just one characteristic you have to have even more than that to offer a woman...We always just focus on the 2 spectrums..An intelligent man or the Ignorant man..Like come on it's more to that than those 2 spectrums..."

"You see what Marcus Garvey was doing? Creating Jobs for folks..Well, some brothers got manipulated into doing Garvey dirty, and he was betrayed SMH. COINTELPRO did not want to see us rise's not racism it is just can't deny history and what happened. Indeed though, Karma is real because we were the first slave masters, and it was inevitable that the tides would get reversed.....B.U.T. now, this mental slavery due to propaganda and all that is killing everyone no matter their pigmentation..Everybody trying to be other than their own selves..SMDH"

"We must lead ourselves out of the enslavements we have constructed and called Pharaoh. We must be the Moses in our Egypt. We must be the mountain in our desert. And we ourselves are the border we must cross to enter the Promised Land." ~ Noah Benshea"

Economics 101: Production, coercion and theft

(NaturalNews) I'd like to share a lesson in economics today, and I call it the "Production, Coercion and Theft" lesson.

There are only three ways to accumulate money and wealth in world (other than stumbling across a hidden treasure and actually finding money, that is):

#1) Production: Offer something of value in exchange for money voluntarily traded by recipients

#2) Coercion: Confiscate money (or stores of value) by claiming authority over those who earn it

#3) Theft: Steal money (or stores of value) from those who already have it

Every person in society today acquires money in these three ways (with "gifting" being a fourth way that's in a separate category because it's passive, not active). The office worker, the entrepreneur, the laborer, the weekend burglar and even the professional politician all acquire money in one of these three primary ways.

Production means offering something of value to another party who is willing to trade you dollars for it. It can include both goods and services. A 9-5 office worker, for example, offers the value of their time and effort, and in exchange they are compensated at an agreed upon pay rate.

Production can also mean adding value to physical goods. We do this at the Natural News Store by sourcing organic superfoods from around the world and packaging them in pouches and cans for retail in the USA. This is a classic example of value-added production.

Out of the three methods of money accumulation covered here, production is the only one that adds abundance to the economy. The other two methods reduce wealth and ultimately promote poverty.

Coercion means forcing someone to give you money. This is the default method of all government bodies, from your local property tax collector to the federal IRS. Coercion means extracting money from someone in a non-mutually-agreed (i.e. "non-voluntary" ) way.

A mugging is money extraction via coercion. Ironically, it is almost identical to taxation: There is a threat of force stated or implied, followed by a request for a certain amount of money: "Give me your wallet" or "Pay $12,453.24." Your compliance results in the source of the coercion taking your money then moving on to their next victim. Non-compliance results in you either being shot, stabbed, arrested at gunpoint or stripped of other possessions you may own.

Theft is different from coercion in that there is no interaction at all between two parties. Theft is when someone breaks into your house and steals your flat screen TV when you're not even there. Or it's when someone breaks into your online bank account and transfers all your money to an offshore crime haven in Nigeria.

Theft is what recently happened in Cyprus, where banksters stole 40% or more of private account balances, later stealing 60% or more of many business accounts. It wasn't coercion because there was no threat of force, nor any compliance on your part. You simply wake up one morning and find that your bank account, your truck, your wallet or your laptop computers is missing. That's theft... and that's how the global banking system fundamentally functions.

Another advanced kind of theft is committed by the Federal Reserve. By printing new money, it steals the value of all the money you currently hold. This is called "currency theft" but a full discussion of it is beyond the scope of this lesson. For now, let's stick to simple theft and coercion.

The illusion of compliance

Governments typically shy away from engaging in outright theft. Why? Because they hope to create the illusion of voluntary compliance. By coercing you into giving up your money "voluntarily," they avoid the appearance if outright stealing money or property from you. You "agreed" to pay your taxes, didn't you?

In certain cases, of course, the government does engage in outright theft. This is called "eminent domain" and it means the government simply claims ownership of something you own (usually some land or a building), then decides how much money to pay you for it. The government claims the right to steal from you for "the common good," implying that the benefit of some is more important than protecting the private property rights of all.

Theft is also carried out through misrepresentation and fraud. If a used car salesman sells you a 2005 Chevy pickup with "only 25,000 miles" on it, but it turns out they hacked the odometer and the vehicle actually has 300,000 miles on it, that's misrepresentation and fraud.

This is very common in the food industry where "extra virgin olive oil" often turns out to be cut with GMO canola oil. Or where "tuna fish" actually isn't from tuna. In the health supplements market, misrepresentation and fraud is also common among heavily-hyped "miracle" supplements that claim impossible results. Acai weight loss pills are a good example.

Misrepresentation and fraud is how virtually the entire system on Wall Street operates, by the way. It's all a numbers game